FTN Marketing Week
This is it, we are starting the first FTN marketing week TOMORROW!
What’s the marketing week?
We are stepping up our marketing game: we will announce a new promotion/partnership every day for 7 days.
You can expect telegram posts in large channels, YouTube videos from influencers, promotional tweets on big accounts and much more.
Why now and is it going to be a success?
We have rebranded, we are about to release a new game, we have gained some traction with Satoshi’s AMA and the various ads we have in place so now is the perfect time for a marketing push.
The success of this operation in terms of exposure is pretty much guaranteed as the FTN brand is going to be shared in channels with dozens of thousands of people.
We have tried to select the most effective promoters in order to not only raise awareness about FTN but also increase our Marketcap and thus the rewards we distribute in games.
We also count on you, our beloved community, to like, comment and share everywhere all the promotional posts/videos we will be releasing during those 7 days.
How can I know more about FTN?
Follow our twitter @FortunBSC and check out https://fortun.app/ regularly as we are about to release a new game and key information regarding the future of FTN.
You can also find us on Discord, on Reddit, on Poocoin and on PancakeSwap (V1)
Stay tuned for our next article.
Join FTN and Gain while you Game.