Horizon HZN is now Fortun FTN
2 min readApr 30, 2021
As you probably noticed, our telegram has a new name, our logo is different and the token has changed:
You guessed right, the rebranding is ongoing!!
What’s new?
A lot of things are changing:
- FTN Telegram: The telegram group is now @fortunchat
Pay attention because a scammer is trying to sell fake tokens using our old telegram link @horizontokenchat - The Logo: We have a brand new logo and we hope you like it!
- The token itself: If you hold your tokens on metamask, the transition is automatic and you should see your brand new FTN on your wallet. If you hold your tokens in the Trust wallet, you might still see your old HZN tokens. If that’s the case, DO NOT WORRY: you can either wait for the Trust to update it automatically in a few days or you can edit the token’s name manually.
In any case, whether you see a HZN or a FTN balance, your tokens are safe and you don’t need to do anything. - The website: it’s being polished as we speak and it will soon be released. The new address is https://fortun.app/
- The Telegram bot: We are working on updating it. Moreover, the bot now displays the addresses of the lottery winners in the chat every 6 hours.
How can I know more about FTN?
Follow our twitter @FortunBSC and check out https://fortun.app/ regularly as we are about to release our new website and key information regarding the future of FTN.
You can also find us on Discord, on Reddit, on Poocoin and on PancakeSwap (V1)
Stay tuned for our next article.
Join FTN and Gain while you Game.