HZN Weekly Update: W16

Fortun FTN
3 min readApr 21, 2021


What is HZN?

HZN is not only a lottery token but also soon to be a gaming token.

As of now, 3 lotteries are up and running with winners being selected randomly every 6 hours. Winners receive the tokens on their wallet automatically and the gains are extracted directly from the taxes of the day.

How can I join?

Very simply: hold tokens on your private wallet and you are automatically eligible for the lotteries.

Here are the exact amounts you need to hold and the winners’ rewards:

  • Bronze lottery:
    Hold at least 1 000 HZN on your wallet and win up to 10 000 HZN every 6 hours
  • Silver lottery:
    Hold at least 2 500 HZN on your wallet and win up to 5 000 HZN every 6 hours
  • Gold lottery:
    Hold at least 5 000 HZN on your wallet and win up to 2 500 HZN every 6 hours

If you hold at least 2 500 HZN tokens on your wallet, you are automatically participating in the Bronze AND Silver lotteries.
And if you hold at least 5 000 HZN tokens on your wallet, you are automatically participating in the Bronze AND Silver AND Gold lotteries!

If you are the lucky winner of one of these lotteries, you will see the coins directly in your wallet. If you are not, check again in 6 hours and in 6 more hours, and every 6 hours forever.

The Silver and Gold lotteries have just recently been implemented so if you held tokens before the 21st of April, you need to add your wallet address to the system.
You have 2 ways to do so:
1. Buy any amount of tokens to your address (having a transaction going in will automatically qualify your wallet)
2. Send your tokens to another wallet

We recommend the 1st solution so you don’t have to pay the taxes on your full wallet transaction.

If you use Metamask, you can do it directly by clicking on “register for tier”

If you are not sure if your wallet is properly connected to the lottery system, you can go to our website hzn.app, click on “check tier status” and enter your wallet address.

What’s planned for the next 2 weeks?

Actually a lot!

Here is a list of what we are working on for an imminent release:

  • HZN Whitepaper
  • HZN new futuristic and user friendly website
  • HZN complete rebranding
  • Marketing and expansion

A lot more is ongoing but let’s keep some surprises for the community.
As always, we are open to suggestions and discussions so if you have ideas, improvements or issues, feel free to reach out in telegram or by mail at nic.horizontoken@gmail.com

How can I know more about HZN?

Follow our twitter @Horizontoken and check our website https://hzn.app/ regularly as we are about to release our whitepaper and key information regarding the future of HZN.

Stay tuned for our next article.

Join HZN and revolutionize the way you play.



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