HZN Weekly Update: W17

Fortun FTN
2 min readApr 26, 2021


What happened last week?

Quite a lot!

First, we worked hand to hand with Torin Hoffmann to promote HZN’s brand through a youtube video (link here) he published on his YT Channel.
Thanks to this promotion, we gained 400+ holders in a few hours.

Second, we reached 1500 Holders (1539 at the moment) and rewarded 3 random community members to celebrate that. Here is the twitter link.

Then, we re worked the lottery rewards to make it fair for every holder:
- Bronze winners now gets 5000 HZN
- Silver winners now get 3000 HZN
- Gold winners now gets 2000 HZN

We also changed the lottery tax system. As of now the taxes are 5% on each transaction and everything is going to the lottery reward pools.

And last but not the least, we are going to implement a redistribution pool : 5% of each transaction will go into that pool which will then be redistributed to holders, increasing their supply.

What’s planned for the next 2 weeks?

Here is a list of what we are working on for an imminent release:

  • HZN Whitepaper (95% completed, waiting for the rebranding to publish it)
  • HZN new futuristic and user friendly website (60% completed)
  • HZN complete rebranding (new name and logo ready)
  • Marketing and expansion (AMA with Satoshi club booked, alongside with other YT and AMAs)
  • New games, including the game “guess the 4” announced in HZN telegram group

A lot more is ongoing but let’s keep some surprises for the community.
As always, we are open to suggestions and discussions so if you have ideas, improvements or issues, feel free to reach out in telegram or by mail at nic.horizontoken@gmail.com

How can I know more about HZN?

Follow our twitter @Horizontoken and check our website https://hzn.app/ regularly as we are about to release our whitepaper and key information regarding the future of HZN.

Stay tuned for our next article.

Join HZN and gain while you play.



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